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Revised By-Laws Of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia 2020

This organization shall be known as the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Episcopal Diocese of Georgia. (EDoG)

The purpose of this organization shall be to empower the women of The Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Georgia to carry on Christ’s work throughout the world.


Membership in the Episcopal Church Women of Georgia is open to all women in the organized Parishes of the Diocese. Women holding office must be members in good standing in the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Georgia.


Section 1.

Elected officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, one (1)
Coordinator from each Convocation and the United Thank Offering (UTO) Chairperson.
Candidates for office shall be presented for election by the Nominating

Section 2.

Officers shall be elected for a term of three (3) years unless appointed to fill
unexpired terms.

Section 4.
The President shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting before Triennial.

Section 5.
The Vice-President shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting preceding the usual date of the Triennial.

Section 6.
The Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting following usual date of the

Section 7.
The United Thank Offering Chair shall be elected at the second Annual Business Meeting following the usual date of Triennial

Section 8.
Coordinators from Albany, Southwestern, and Southeastern Convocations shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting preceding the usual date of Triennial.

Section 9.
Coordinators of the Augusta, Central, and Savannah Convocations shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting following the usual date of Triennial.

Section 10.
The Nominating Committee shall present the names of all nominees in writing to the Bishop at least ten (10) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.

Section 11.
The Nominating Committee shall present to the Annual Business Meeting at least one (l) name for each office to be filled.

Section 12.
The Secretary shall be appointed by the incoming President, affirmed by the Executive Board, and approved at the Annual Business Meeting.

Section 13.
All elections of officers shall be by secret ballot or verbal, a simple majority of those present constituting an election. In case there are more than two (2) nominees for the same office, and no candidate receives a majority vote, the name receiving the smallest number of votes shall be dropped from the ballot and another vote taken. In the event of a tie, the successful candidate shall be determined by a vote cast by the President.

Section 14.
All duly elected officers shall be commissioned during the Eucharist/Worship Service at the Annual Retreat and take office at that time.

Section 15.
The President shall be commissioned and take office at the Annual Meeting preceding the usual date of Triennial.

Section 16.

The Bishop’s wife shall be an honorary member of the Board with seat, voice and vote. Other honorary members may be appointed by the President.


Section 1.
The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer and the Immediate Past President shall constitute the Executive Committee, with seat, voice, and vote.

Section 2.
The Executive Committee has the power to transact any business that requires immediate attention of the organization between Executive Board meetings.

Section 3.
The Executive Board shall consist of all officers and committee chairs, elected and appointed.

Section 4.
Board members shall not be eligible to serve in the same office for a consecutive term. All members shall serve until their successors shall be duly elected and commissioned. In the event an elected officer is unable to fulfill her term, the President shall appoint a replacement.

Section 5.
After a one-year (1) break from the Board an officer may be elected or appointed to the same office previously held.

Section 6.
All members of the Executive Board will attend all board meetings, conferences, and called meetings unless the President accepts a valid excuse. Any member having three (3) consecutive unexcused absences will be replaced and will be notified of this replacement.

Section 7.
Members of the Board or any Committee Chair thereof may participate in any meeting of the Board or Committee by means of conference call; by telephone or other electronic device/equipment by which all participants can hear and/or understand each other. Such participation in a meeting shall constitute presence at that meeting.

Section 8.
The Executive Board shall meet at least twice a year and the President shall be empowered to call a meeting at any time she may consider necessary or upon the request of five (5) members. Two-thirds of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.

Section 9.

The Bishop’s wife shall be an honorary Executive Board member with seat and voice. The President of The Order of the Daughter’s of the King may be asked to be an honorary member of the Executive Board with seat and voice. Others may be asked by the President.


Section 1.
The President shall preside at all Annual, Executive Committee, and Board
Meetings and have general supervision of the work throughout the Diocese.

Section 2.
The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President, shall assist the
President in appointed areas and succeed to the Presidency in the event a vacancy occurs. She will receive and compile convocation reports and forward them to the President and serve as the Annual Publication Committee Chairwoman and the By-Laws Chairwoman.

Section 3.
The Secretary shall write the minutes of Annual, Executive Committee, and Board meetings and shall notify the members of such meetings.

Section 4.
The Treasurer receives and disburses all ECW monies except UTO and CPC. She shall make an annual fiscal report. As an outgoing Treasurer she will see to it an audit is done. This audit should take place every 3 years.

Section 5.
The Immediate Past President will serve as the Church Periodical Club (CPC) Director and Parliamentarian. As CPC Director, she will coordinate the distribution of CPC monies and materials in the Diocese, maintain contact with diocesan seminarians, and make an annual fiscal report.

Section 6.
The Convocation Coordinators shall integrate the planning and work of the women in their convocation into the total planning and program of the church in the Diocese.


Section 1.
The President shall appoint the Communications Chairwoman, Nominations Chairwoman, and the Worship Chairwoman. Each will serve a three (3) year term.

Section 2.
The Communications Chairwoman shall publicize all programs of the ECW and keep a record of significant ECW activities. She will maintain the Diocesan Board website and all social media used during her term. She may appoint an assistant.

Section 3.
The Nominations Chairwoman shall serve as Chairwoman of the Nominating Committee, supervising the preparation of the slate of officers to be elected and appointed in accordance with the By-laws of ECW.

Section 4.
The Director of the United Thank Offering shall coordinate and supervise the UTO in the Diocese, reporting all activities to the Board and at the Annual Meetings. She is the contact resource for requesting the use of the ECW alms basin stored in the Diocesan office.

Section 5.
The Worship and Christian Concerns Chairwoman shall offer prayers,
Meditation, and other appropriate devotionals at the Annual Business Meeting, Board Meetings, Diocesan Retreats, and at other times and events at the request of the President. She will ensure that a workshop or other event offered during the Annual Retreat is designed to address the spiritual needs of the women who attend, and she shall strive to ensure that the program activities and focus of the organization will serve to deepen and strengthen the spiritual needs of the members.


Section 1.
The time and place for the Annual Retreat and Business Meeting shall be approved by the Bishop of the Diocese and the Executive Board.

Section 2.
Delegates or their alternates representing 1/3 of the Parishes present shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3.
Each Parish shall be entitled to three (3) voting delegates with seat, voice, and vote and unlimited representation with seat and voice at the Annual Business Meeting. One of the delegates will be the President or her representative.

Section 4.
All members of the Executive Board shall be entitled to a seat, voice, and vote at the Annual Business Meeting.


There shall be four (4) delegates to Triennial: President, UTO Chairwoman, CPC Director, and Secretary, except when economics or distance prevents it. In the event any of these delegates cannot attend, the following officers in order shall serve as alternates: Vice President, Treasurer.


Section 1.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of a chairwoman and one member, from each convocation, appointed by the Convocation Coordinators, consisting of non-board members with no less than 3 and no more than 6, for a one year term.

Section 2.
The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, who shall be Chairwoman, and two (2) other members who shall be appointed by the President as needed.

Section 3.
The By-Laws Committee shall consist of the Vice-President, who shall be Chairwoman, and two (2) members appointed by the President. Each of these shall be a present or former member of the Executive Board.

Section 4.
The Annual Publication Committee shall consist of the Vice President, who shall be Chairwoman, and two (2) members appointed by the Chairwoman, and shall compile, publish, and distribute the Annual publication.


Each Parish shall support the budget of the Episcopal Churchwomen with a self-imposed pledge according to its ability. Payment of the current pledge should be sent to the Diocesan ECW Treasurer no later than March 1st. The fiscal year for Episcopal Church Women, Diocese of Georgia shall be July 1 to June 30th of each year.

Section 1.
The By-Laws may be amended at any Annual Business Meeting by simple majority of delegates present. Any Parish wishing to amend the By-Laws of the Episcopal Churchwomen shall forward the proposed change to the ECW President of the Diocese no later than ninety (90) days preceding the Annual Business Meeting.

Section 2.
Any proposal to amend the By-Laws of the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Georgia must be forwarded to the ECW President of the Diocese of Georgia no later than ninety (90) days preceding the Annual Business Meeting. The proposed change shall be circulated to each Parish and Mission no later than thirty (30) days preceding the Annual Business Meeting.

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised Edition, shall govern all meetings.